官方事件 | 角色個人事件 |
世界維持着暴風雨前的寧靜。 |
如今,帝國已不復昔日的輝煌。 威木和艾斯維爾已被割讓給索默,黑沼澤自湮沒危機以來就已不再被帝國統治,晨風尚未從紅山火山爆發中完全恢復,而落錘則深受帝國派系和索默派系內鬥的困擾。 只有高岩、賽洛迪爾和天際仍然繁榮和平。 |
大戰開始 | |
提圖斯二世拒絕向索默做出重大讓步的最後通牒後,索默軍隊入侵。索默將軍納里芬勳爵率領的軍隊從艾斯維爾北部的隱蔽營地中現身,襲擊了西羅帝爾南部。樂雅文落入入侵者手中。 與此同時,阿蘭妮莉婭繞過安維爾和科瓦奇進入落錘。這支軍隊與在落錘海岸登陸的較小部隊會合。帝國軍隊被迫撤退至阿利克爾沙漠,此事件被稱為「口渴行軍」。 |
帝國忙於與索默作戰,馬卡斯無人防守。瑞馳人趁機推翻了瑞馳的諾德人,輕鬆奪回了瑞馳。權力交接相對平靜,只有少數最殘暴的諾德地主被處死。 |
在紅衛人反對割讓土地後,提圖斯二世宣佈放棄落錘作為帝國的一個省份,以維護條約。紅衛人認為這是背叛,落錘和帝國之間產生了持久的怨恨,這讓索默欣喜若狂。落錘在接下來的五年裏繼續與先祖神州交戰。 |
大戰結束 | |
烏弗瑞克組織了一支諾德民兵,並藉助龍吼在瑪卡斯擊潰了瑞馳人。倖存者逃往荒野,組成了被稱為棄誓者。在帝國重新控制瑞馳後,塔洛斯崇拜被索默發現,烏弗瑞克被捕。最終,烏弗瑞克和他的手下被釋放,但這一事件成為日後風暴斗篷叛亂的導火索。 |
團事件 | 小劇場 | 個人事件 |
預言出世 | ||
慶典謎案 | 訓練軍隊;旅遊未遂;醉酒 |
時間 | 官方事件(待譯) | 團內事件 |
4E150 | A small force of Argonians land on the island of Solstheim bent on destruction. They are repelled by the Redoran Guard under Lleril Morvayn. | 西古爾德·椴樹谷出生於天際。 |
4E151 | 拉斐爾出生於帝國。
盧西安·泰勒斯出生於高岩。 | |
4E153 | 伊默斯·塔蘭尼恩出生於帝都。 | |
4E161 | 塔蘭尼恩家族遇害,同年伊默斯加入黑暗兄弟會。 | |
4E164 | 伊默斯十一歲,作為助手跟在導師達維爾身邊訓練。 | |
4E165 | 西古爾德十五歲,受封雪漫騎士。 | |
4E166 | Skald Felgeif becomes Jarl of Dawnstar.
Skald's father dies on the battlefield, leaving a teenage Skald to rule the city |
4E167 | 西古爾德十七歲,遭遇猩紅狂熱,被九聖靈修會治癒,後前往帝都加入修會,成爲見習騎士。
盧西安十六歲,進入帝都奧術大學進修。 | |
4E168 | Emperor Titus Mede II ascends to the throne.
The Empire is now a shadow of its former glory. Valenwood and Elsweyr have been ceded to the Thalmor, Black Marsh has been lost to Imperial rule since the Oblivion Crisis, Morrowind has yet to fully recover from the eruption of Red Mountain, and Hammerfell is plagued by infighting between the Crown and Forebear factions. Only High Rock, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim remain prosperous and peaceful. |
盧西安十七歲,與另外三位法師同學「重建」法師公會。 拉斐爾十七歲,作為見習牧師前往帝都,結識好友維果。同年進入帝都詩人學院。 伊默斯十五歲,成為獨立刺客,獲得Assassin頭銜。 |
4E169 | 西古爾德結識盧西安。 | |
4E170 | The residents of Blackridge are massacred by Captain Martius Silius and his soldiers. | |
4E171 | The Great War begins with armies from the Aldmeri Dominion invading the Imperial provinces of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil.
After Titus II rejects an ultimatum to make massive concessions to the Thalmor, Aldmeri armies invade. An army led by Thalmor general Lord Naarifin emerges from hidden camps in northern Elsweyr and assaults southern Cyrodiil, flanking Imperial defenses along the Valenwood border. Leyawiin falls to the invaders, and Bravil is surrounded and besieged. Simultaneously, an army under Lady Arannelya crosses western Cyrodiil, bypassing Anvil and Kvatch and entering Hammerfell. This army is joined by smaller forces landing on Hammerfell's coast. Imperial troops are forced into retreat across the Alik'r Desert, in an event known as the March of Thirst. |
由於腐敗,樂雅文成為最先被攻下的帝國城市之一。 九聖靈修會宣佈參戰,西古爾德加入戰鬥。 伊默斯十八歲,因協助艾洛伊斯而獲得刺客大師頭銜。 |
4E172 | 大戰局勢激烈,盧西安被緊急召回高岩,中斷學業,同年成爲途歇宮廷法師。
伊默斯十九歲,同年艾洛叛逃,伊默斯被迫面對同伴。 | |
4E173 | 在伊默斯請求下,艾洛開始收養伊妲。 | |
4E174 | The Imperial City is sacked by Aldmeri forces.
Titus II flees north from the city, smashing through the surrounding Aldmeri forces with his main army and linking up with reinforcements heading south from Skyrim under General Jonna. The Imperial City falls to the invaders. The Imperial Palace is burned, White-Gold Tower is looted, and the Aldmeri commit many atrocities against the defenseless populace.
With the Empire busy fighting the Thalmor, Markarth is left undefended. The Reachmen take the opportunity to overthrow the Nords of the Reach, retaking the Reach easily. The changeover is relatively peaceful, with only a few of the harshest Nord landowners being put to death. |
伊默斯加入面紗議會,成為臥底兄弟會的線人。 |
4E175 | The Battle of the Red Ring results in the complete destruction of the main Aldmeri force in Cyrodiil, a victory for the Empire precipitating the end of the Great War.
The Imperial City is retaken and Titus II's decision to withdraw from it the previous year is vindicated. Despite this resounding victory, however, the Empire is exhausted and unable to continue the war. Realizing this, Titus II seeks to negotiate with the Aldmeri Dominion to end the war.
The Elder Scrolls are scattered across Tamriel by forces unknown. Members of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth set out to search for them.
The peace treaty between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion gives the Thalmor free rein to stamp out the worship of Talos throughout the Empire, and cedes a large section of southern Hammerfell. Critics note that these terms are almost identical to the ultimatum that Titus II rejected at the start of the war.
Titus II renounces Hammerfell as a province of the Empire to preserve the treaty after the Redguards oppose ceding their lands. The Redguards see this as a betrayal, and a lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire is sown to the delight of the Thalmor. Hammerfell continues to war with the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years. |
拉斐爾自詩人學院畢業,同年前往高岩採風。 |
4E176 | Ulfric Stormcloak retakes The Reach, instigating the Markarth Incident.
Skyrim and the son of the deposed Jarl of the Reach promise Ulfric Stormcloak free worship of Talos in exchange for retaking the province. Ulfric forms a Nord militia and crushes the Reachmen at Markarth with the aid of the thu'um. The survivors flee into the wilds, forming a group called the Forsworn. After the Empire reestablishes control over the Reach, Ulfric is arrested when the Thalmor discover the open worship of Talos. Ulfric and his men are eventually released, but the incident kindles what will become the Stormcloak Rebellion.
拉斐爾開始泰姆瑞爾巡演,同年週遊高岩-天際-帝國。 |
4E177 | 高岩決定支援落錘,盧西安被指派加入支援部隊。
伊默斯叛逃,受兄弟會通緝,假死後前往落錘。 | |
4E178 | 拉斐爾前往落錘採風,結識伊默斯。 | |
4E179 | Cresitus, an Imperial treasure hunter, claims Umbra within Champion's Rest. | 盧西安結束服役,返回途歇宮廷。
伊默斯回到西羅帝爾,繼續協助面紗議會監視索默。 |
時間 | 官方事件 | 團內事件 |
4E180 | The Second Treaty of Stros M'Kai is signed.
Having been fought to a standstill by the Redguards, the Aldmeri Dominion withdraws from Hammerfell.
The ancient Ayleid Sorcerer-King Celemaril Light-Bringer is freed from his imprisonment and returns as an undead lich hellbent on destroying the world.[11] He is defeated in single combat and sealed within the Abyss by a hero known only as the Warrior.[12] |
巨龍出世團,主角四人會面。 |
4E181 | The ebony mines of Raven Rock are completely exhausted, and the colony turns to hunting and fishing for sustenance. | |
4E1?? | 龍裔團,十五歲的艾瑞克·瑞雪初次登場。 |